Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 08

Short term goals for this month and why.

You know, at the beginning of this month after I came back from Haiti and New Hampshire, I listed out everything I needed to do and buy. Time passed and I barely got any of them done. I didn't get Thomas his Godiva shake, I didn't take the commuter rail to Salem and eat at Howling Wolf Taquiero, I didn't go to Canobie with the Gang (my cousins), I didn't hang out with Derek or Khanh, I didn't volunteer, I didn't even get my permit -_-

But I did get through that fashion show, sold over 15 tickets, learned how to play mahjong, visited the younger Lady Dragons again (and gave Twinn my gift!), hung out with Frank-o-bean and had a great time, I even packed up all my stuff in one night and moved into school successfully. Those are some pretty good accomplishments.

Right now, my main goal for the rest of the month would probably be to stick it out and get through captain's practice. It's really tough. I cried today because I felt so inferior... but I think coach still wants me on the team (why else would he ask the captain to help me before practice every day?). That gives me some sort of motivation. That and all the comments people left on Facebook, those really helped :) <3

It might get a bit lonely here, but this is something I just have to do. I have to try..

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